Experiencing Music in the Lesson

Music begin probably even before one is born. Imagine the sounds heard while one was in the womb are probably the most beautiful music which probably one has experienced subconsciously. The heartbeat is surely another sound heard and felt for that many months. Hearing seems to be one first sense human utilise before the other senses have a chance to. Does this contribute to the fact that music impacts greatly ?

Music is experienced through sounds and sometimes picked up through other ways for some who may not have the ability to hear. Indeed music is an experience. And it should continue to be an experience in music lessons.

How can we experience music ? Through listening would be the closest direct answer.

Just like the heartbeat, music has regular pulse while sometimes irregular pulse. Music can be felt. This might be a little difficult so body movements help much. From dance, to gestures, and also rhythmic body movements all help one to experience music.

Making music is a great experience. From humming, singing , percussion playing to instruments playing.

To ensure one has learn music, all the above experiences should be included in the learning. If you had once taken music lesson, you may realised that the experiencing music aspect was probably neglected. Traditionally, teaching music focus on the understanding and interpretation of the written music. This should not be compromised either while activities to allow students to feel music is of no lesser importance as compared to mastering the instrument.

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